What Is Four Ball in Golf? Rules, Format, and Key Strategies

What is four ball in golf? It’s a team format where two players play against two other players, each playing their own golf ball.

Each player plays their own ball and the team score on a hole is the lower score of the two players.

This format is used in both social and competitive events, including the Ryder Cup, Presidents Cup, and Solheim Cup.

The Four Ball Format

Four ball is a team format where two teams of two players play. Each player plays their own golf ball all day and the team score on a hole is the lower score of the two players.

If only one partner completes a hole, their score becomes the side’s score for that hole.

For example, if Player A scores 4 and Player B scores 5, the team score for that hole would be 4, the better of the two scores.

In scenarios where partners either hole out or do not, it affects the team’s overall score for the hole. This way the team can rely on their stronger player on each hole to improve the team’s score, especially if one partner is having a bad day.

It’s used in both stroke play and match play, the only difference being in the scoring.

In stroke play, the total score for the whole round across all holes is counted to determine the winner.

In match play, the focus is on winning individual holes. The team that wins the most holes wins.

The four ball format in match play adds a dynamic to team play as both players contribute to the overall result of the match.

Four ball encourages teamwork, both players can play aggressively and have a safety net if one player has a bad hole.

It’s a strategic format where both teams must work together to play to their strengths and minimize their weaknesses, which is why it’s used in formats like the Ryder Cup and Presidents Cup.

Four Ball in Major Events

Ryder Cup

In the Ryder Cup four ball is a mainstay. Players can assist with actions concerning their partner’s ball, such as marking or lifting it.

Two teams of pre-determined pairs from Europe and the USA play against each other.

Each player plays their own ball and the team score is the better ball on each hole. Winning a hole counts towards the match score.

Presidents Cup

The Presidents Cup follows the same principles as four ball in the Ryder Cup, teamwork.

Unlike foursomes where partners use the same ball, in four ball each player plays their own golf ball. Each player’s gross score on a hole is recorded but only the better ball counts towards the side’s score.

Solheim Cup

In the Solheim Cup four ball match play, each player plays their own golf ball, trying to contribute to the side’s score by getting the lowest score on each hole.

Two teams of two players play against each other, players trying to contribute to the side’s score by getting the lowest score on each hole.

Four Ball Match Play Rules

1. Play their own ball: Each player plays their own ball from tee to green.

2. Score for a hole: Only the better ball of the two players counts towards the team’s score.

3. Partner holes: If one partner holes out and the other does not, the score of the partner who holes out counts for the team.

4. Handicap allowance: In amateur golf, handicaps are adjusted to make it fair.

5. Match play or stroke play: Can be used in either, but the strategy is different depending on the scoring system.

Strategic Considerations

In four ball match play if one player is having a bad hole the other player can focus on getting the team’s score.

Players can also assist with actions concerning their partner’s ball, such as marking or lifting it, to improve the team’s chances.

In stroke play, consistency from both players is key to a competitive aggregate score.

Four Ball vs Foursomes

Four ball and foursomes are different formats:

  • In four ball, each player plays their own ball and the side’s score is the better ball.
  • In foursomes, two players alternate shots with the same ball. This requires total teamwork and is also known as alternate shot format.

Four ball emphasizes individual contribution to the team’s score, foursomes requires synchronisation in taking alternate shots.

Practical Tips for Four Ball

Consistency: If your partner’s ball is in trouble, hit a straighter shot to get the team’s score.

Know your part: Sometimes you need to play aggressively or conservatively depending on your partner’s score on a hole.

Communicate: Clear strategies will get the team’s score and minimize mistakes.

What Is Four Ball in Golf: FAQs

What does 4 ball mean in golf with own ball?

Four ball is a team format in golf where two players per team play their own golf ball all day. The team score for each hole is the lower score between the two players, trying to get the best score overall.

What is Four-Ball in golf Ryder Cup?

In the Ryder Cup, four ball is a match play format where two player teams play.

Each player plays their own ball and the team score for each hole is the lower of the two players’ scores, the better ball counts towards the side’s score in the overall match.

What is Four-Ball in golf Presidents Cup?

In the Presidents Cup, four ball is used where each team has two players.

Each player plays their own ball and the team’s score for each hole is determined by the better score between the two players, trying to get the lowest total.

What is the difference between Four-Ball and foursome?

The main difference between four ball and foursomes is the play style.

In four ball, each player plays their own ball, and the team score is the lower of the two. In foursomes, partners alternate shots with the same ball, requiring more coordination.